The Power of We

When I first came to Al‑Anon via electronic meetings just over a year ago, I thought I was all ready for Step One. I knew I was powerless over alcohol and that my life had become unmanageable. But it took attending many meetings and studying the Steps before it dawned on me—the word “I” was not anywhere in Step One.

The Step reads: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol…”  We, not I.

For the first time in a long time, I realized I was not alone. At each meeting, I was surrounded by others who knew, in one way or another, exactly what I was experiencing. They too had loved ones who struggled with the disease of alcoholism, and they too suffered because of their loved ones’ disease.

Others like me have felt isolated, scared, and anxious, worried about what would become of their loved ones if they could not recover from this disease. Desperate for answers and relief and a place to share my fear and pain, I began to attend two online meetings a week, then three, then four, and sometimes more. No matter which ones I went to, no matter what time of day or evening, no matter what country, the message was consistent: I was not alone.

Every step is a “we” step. Knowing that we are all in this together—that we are a family of Al‑Anon members, all looking for answers, all seeking strength and hope—has given me exactly that: strength and hope.

Today, a year after coming into the virtual Al‑Anon rooms, I have more peace and serenity than I ever dreamed possible. I found a wonderful Sponsor who gently guides and encourages me. I am working the Steps, reading my literature every day, and greeting every morning with the Serenity Prayer.

But my greatest source of strength has been my Al‑Anon family, the wonderful people who show up at meetings to listen, share, and do service to help themselves and others find recovery. And that is why I “Keep Coming Back.”

By Gina B.

The Forum, January 2025

Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.

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