According to a 2018 Al-Anon Membership Survey conducted with over 13,000 Al-Anon members, over 28% of participants reported that they were referred to Al-Anon Family Groups by a professional such as a counselor, therapist, social worker, teacher. We acknowledge the pivotal role played by mental health professionals.
Since 1956, the American Medical Association has recognized alcoholism as a primary, progressive disease. We at Al-Anon, know that it is also a family disease which can affect some or all members of a household both physically and emotionally. It has been our experience that the relatives and friends of alcoholics often seek medical help for a variety of stress-related symptoms.
Al-Anon is a mutual support fellowship that offers a program of recovery to the relatives and friends of alcoholics. Alateen, a part of Al-Anon, is for a teenager who is equally affected by an alcoholic.

According to the most recent Al-Anon Member Survey, 93% reported that their participation in Al-Anon programs has positively affected their lives. As family members recover from the effects of the family disease of alcoholism, it may aid the recovery process for the entire family.
If you suspect someone’s drinking problem has contributed to the cause of your patient’s symptoms, we urge you to recommend Al-Anon and/or Alateen as part of their treatment.
Al-Anon is a 12-step nonprofessional program. There are no membership dues or fees but we are self-supporting, spiritually based program. We are apolitical and welcome all cultures.
Visit one of over 300 New Jersey meetings to hear members share their experience, strength and hope. Over 150 of our meetings have returned to being in-person meetings in 2021. Over 100 meetings have chosen to continue as virtual Zoom meetings. Search for a meeting by location, radius or day of the week to get additional details.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Al-Anon/Alateen is a peer support group. As peers, they exchange their respective experiences. The mutual sharing among members helps members to realize that they have a variety of options that they may not have realized they had before attending Al-Anon or Alateen. Al-Anon members do not give direction or prescribe specific solutions for other members.
Most Al-Anon and Alateen groups have a discussion topic at their meetings such as acceptance, overcoming fear, change, one of Al-Anon’s slogans (e.g. One Day at a Time, Easy Does It) or one of the Twelve Steps. Al-Anon and Alateen meetings are facilitated by members, rather than a professional. Each week, a different member chairs the meeting on a different subject.
Adult and teenagers attending Al-Anon or Alateen meetings respectively are relieved to find that they are not alone. Even if uncertain that a relative or friend’s drinking is causing them stress and despair, people attending Al-Anon or Alateen meetings will acquire information about alcoholism or alcohol abuse as an illness and its impact on the nondrinker. They will also learn about the importance of family treatment and recovery whether the alcoholic or problem drinker continues to drink or not. They will usually be able to identify with and meet others who have had similar experiences and hear first-hand how members are utilizing the Al-Anon program for hope, support, and to improve their lives.
Yes, many meetings are held i churches or other buildings of faith. However, Al-Anon Family Groups is a spiritual fellowship, not a religious one. We avoid discussion of specific religious doctrine, and members of all faiths (or of none) are welcome. Our Twelve Steps ask us to find a “Power greater than ourselves” who can help us solve our problems and find serenity. Each member is free to define that power in his or her own way.
No advance notification or formal written referral is necessary to attend an Al-Anon meeting. Search for a meeting in a location or on a specific day. You will find details of the meeting (day, time, physical location address and/or Zoom meeting info). If there are no search results, please contact us at [email protected] or call the hotline at 1-888-944-5678.
There are no dues or fees in Al-Anon and Alateen meetings. Most groups pass a basket for voluntary contributions. Members are asked to contribute what they can afford, so that the group can pay rent, provide literature, and offer support to local and worldwide service centers.
Through voluntary contributions from members, Al-Anon groups, and service arms. Al-Anon Family Groups do not accept grants or funding from outside sources.
Simply make your patient, client, consumer, or student aware of Al-Anon, our purpose, and how to find a meeting. Many people have never heard of Al-Anon. Encourage them to attend and see for themselves. There are many meetings specifically geared for Beginners,which is a good place to start as well.
Each group’s meetings are slightly different from each other because attendees and topics of discussion vary each week.
Al-Anon is a program of self-discovery and personal growth. Recovery is an on-going process and is not limited to whether or not the alcoholic or problem drinker continues to drink, is visibly present, or actively involved in a member’s life. The effects of someone else’s drinking are deep and may present challenges that continue throughout life.
Many Al-Anon members continue to attend meetings long after the alcoholic has stopped drinking. Members form new friendships with other members and often can find great personal satisfaction in maintaining their relationships with their Al-Anon friends. Al-Anon and Alateen members also reinforce their own recovery and find great satisfaction is sharing their application of the Al-Anon program with newcomers.
Al-Anon is a mutual support group program for family members and friends to learn the facts about alcoholism as a “family illness” and how they can recover from the effects of someone else’s drinking. When clients are concerned about someone’s alcoholism and drug addiction, they are welcome to attend Al-Anon with the understanding that our program focuses on alcoholism. Al-Anon groups designated as having “open” meetings welcome anyone interested in learning about our program regardless of their concerns.
Al-Anon’s 2015 Membership Survey reported that 40 percent of the Al-Anon members first came to Al-Anon because of a friend or relative’s drug problem. The survey also showed that 85 percent of these members eventually came to realize that someone’s drinking has also negatively affected their lives.
Have more questions? Email us at [email protected]
Professional Testimonials
Al‑Anon cooperates with therapists, counselors, and other professionals, but does not endorse, oppose, or affiliate with any professional, organization, or entity. The opinions expressed here were strictly those of the person who gave them. Their comments reflect their professional expertise and use of Al‑Anon as a resource for their clients and patients who are or have been affected by an individual’s addiction to alcohol.