So. California: Al-Anon Family Groups Convention with AA and Alateen Participation – VIRTUAL
Zoom - see flyer above for login credentialsFootsteps to Serenity Flyer with more information and login credentials (Note all times are Pacific Time)
Footsteps to Serenity Flyer with more information and login credentials (Note all times are Pacific Time)
48th Annual Convention: Moving Forward with Courage, Unity and Perserverence Al-Anon, Alateen and AA Speakers from around the U.S. Click here for flyer with more information
Courage in a Changing World 8:30 am Welcome and Fellowship 9:00 am Opening Al-Anon Speaker Aaron J (NC) 10:00 am When I Got Busy, I Got Better / I Divorced the Alcoholic; Now What? 11:00 am Relapse Theirs and Ours / Anonymity in the Internet Age 12:00 pm AA Speaker Tom C (NJ) and Alateen […]